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Evening Intensive 

(for DREAMERS like you!)

Hello! My name is Gina and I'd like to invite you to spend a wondrous little evening with me where we can *DREAM* and DISCOVER all that is possible for yourself and your life. You can even sip wine if you like! This is the freedom zone. No rules, zero judgement...just a safe space for you to experiment and be the most You-est version of YOU!

Gina Graves


I'd love to see you at the private party!


why it is so CRUCIALLY important for you to get beyond your fear and inner obstacles.


what is truly keeping you from what you desire for yourself and your life.


everything that is not working for you.


how your wildest dreams can become your reality. It begins on the inside.


~Your Beautiful & Magnificent Self

~A couple hours (or so)

~Something to write with and write on (or you can draw or paint or cut/paste if you prefer)

~Possibly a glass of wine (if that's your thing-just make sure it's a proper bottle for someone very special)


Do you feel like you’ve been standing in line...

and everyone else seems to find their way in front of you, time and time again? Like your turn never comes? Everyone else is having their way, while you have all this beautiful brilliance inside of you that is just collecting dust in your SOUL? And you just feel weighed down and defeated most of the time?


 Or maybe the problem is you fear that you are NOT at all brilliant, and so you just let everyone get ahead of you in line because you assume they deserve that space more than you do?


Well, quite frankly, they don’t. And I don’t even need to know you personally to know that, because the truth is, it’s those who are most capable who doubt themselves the most-who let others take their place in line.


 There is this thing, it’s a cognitive bias (you may have heard of) called the Dunning-Kruger Effect-it’s where people believe they have more skill than they actually do, and so they walk around with all kinds of confidence, and they get plenty of opportunities as a result.


 People like you FEAR that you are like that, like people ‘in the know’ are going to see that you really aren’t very good at whatever thing you do, and then you’ll be EXPOSED. You have imposter syndrome, right? But that is your fear talking-not reality.


YES, you do indeed deserve more than what you have been allowing yourself.


Your timidity is not serving anyone. There is so much more to you than you are able to see.


"The cave you fear to enter

holds the treasure you seek."

~Joseph Campbell


You will never know what you are capable of becoming if you never give yourself permission to gather your courage and enter that cave.


I hope you didn’t need to hear this today, but if you did, I’m glad you are here! Boy do I know this struggle.


Life is a performance,

my friend. And you do not need to continue playing that character that isn’t serving your highest good, the one that is keeping you from your highest potential. The one that lets everyone else walk all over you. The one that’s stealing the beautiful life experience you could be enjoying instead of that struggle you continuously find yourself in.


Well, you might say- "kindness is my special gift". It might be one of them! But it’s not the only one.


If you don’t allow yourself to get your needs met,

you will become resentful

and I promise you, you want to avoid that at all costs!!! Resentment is powerfully destructive.


I’m not saying don’t be generous-I know you are generous by nature, and that’s why you have this incredible ability to care so much for others. but it’s important that we are generous with ourselves as well. Generous with our gifts. You know, fill your own cup and then you have more to give others. It’s true!!! It’s actually selfish to keep your beautiful and magnificent gifts trapped away. All the self help and spiritual books teach us to be generous and be better listeners, etc. but I believe some people really misinterpret that. They are not saying to let people sh*t all over your party (can I say that?) Those books are not for you!


My name is Gina, by the way. I have suffered from stage fright my whole life. All the world’s a stage, so it applied in every situation, across the board. I could barely make eye contact with people, would never choose to speak unless I absolutely had to, and even then, you couldn’t hear me. I had the worst anxiety in social situations. And so the greater forces put this idea in my head that I should be a singer and songwriter for a living, so I could just sing my thoughts and feelings into a microphone. Oh, what a great sense of humor!


Well, I stepped up to that challenge, because music is my healer. It’s my greatest connection to something greater than myself. It is my balm and and my caretaker and my messenger. It has saved me. Music has stood by my side through all of the trials and tragedies I have experienced.




What I had to go through to convince myself to honor and share that gift of song and get myself up onto an actual stage in front of actual humans (time and time again) not only made me feel alive-which in and of itself made it worth doing-my higher self knew it was necessary-but it also gave me an enormous toolbox of tricks and strategies that have made me, an excellent coach and teacher (can I say that?!) I can help you! I might even be bold enough to say I can help you more than anyone because of how intensely the grip of this very struggle has impacted my life and my career.


I’m board certified, by the way, which essentially means I uphold the highest standard of integrity and competence. I’ve been teaching, coaching, and performing for over 30 years. 


If you have seen me before, you know I’m on a mission.


I want to take every single self-doubting and inhibited HIDDEN GEM (like you) and I want to excavate you, brush you off, and place you where the sun can capture your shining spirit in all its glory.

I want to live in a world where all of the magnificent souls, like you,  are in charge, because there are so many gatekeepers and rule makers that are just the wrong people, and our beautiful world is suffering as a result. You are so necessary.


Whether you dream of being a shining star, or you simply dream of standing up for yourself, for your personal truth-it all ripples out like a pebble in the great waters, it can have an effect so far reaching, you can’t even imagine. Every drop counts. And we need more magnificent drops, don’t you agree? You are that. A world where more people like you are giving themselves permission to live fully, with lives of great purpose and meaning, adding love and beauty and passion to our world.

Filling it with magnificence and truth and magic;  

a place where dreamers can thrive.


If it sounds like a grand mission, it is. We all want to leave the world a little better than how it was when we came. I want to use my struggles and suffering and failures and successes to fast track you to your highest ground. I want my daughter to live in a magnificent world, and so I do everything I can to convince people like you to

embolden the magnificence within themselves.


I would like to invite you to spend a wonderful evening with me, dedicated to you and your wildest dreams and fantasies about who you could become. Sometimes all it takes is the decision to step on that path to set things in motion. I wanted to offer an affordable way (just $55) for you to come and get some fresh perspective on what could be possible for you and your life. We’re like the elephant who doesn’t try to escape even though he’s no longer in a cage. I want to show you what’s outside of that cage you’ve been living in!


I have always said this as a teacher-if I’m not the right one to get you where you need to be, PLEASE find the person who can. If what I have said here resonates with you, come with me-I will take great care of you. We will spend a lovely evening together and we will dream. If not, please-don’t give up on yourself. Find an avenue that works for you.


Thank you

for being here with me. I hope I get to meet you as you join me for a wondrous evening experience, dedicated to you and your dreams and your magnificence.


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"Occasionally you meet someone who seems to have a greater understanding of the way the world is interconnected because they themselves seem to operate at a different frequency. For me, that person is Gina Graves. In the many years I have known her, she has never failed to surprise me with her ability to listen, reflect, discuss and clarify any life situation I happen to be going through. She is someone who thoughtfully considers situations and effortlessly reaches depths of understanding that constantly surprise me. She seems to often realize how I am feeling before I am able to articulate it myself and has, on many occasions, seen my path more clearly than I, always encouraging and exploring with me every step of the way. In fully realizing myself as an artist, I have experienced levels and periods of self-doubt, perfectionism and situations that challenge my introverted nature. Gina has always helped me navigate these issues with a strong compass of support, encouragement, compassion, and on occasion, a much needed reality check. She is truly gifted and one of the most authentic individuals I have ever known."

~ Leah Wells, artist

Your Beautiful Path. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.
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