Access your inner fire, stand strong and centered in your truth, and allow yourself to become fully expressed.

Eliminate your self imposed blocks, allow the energy of divine purpose to flow through you freely and effortlessly. Whether your medium is music, visual art, writing, or simply the creative juice that fills your everyday life, you can learn to invite your Muse to remain alive and well within you.

The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life. Learn to heal and deepen your relationships with the significant people in your life, communicate your needs effectively, and create fulfilling connections with those who matter most.

Way of Being
Way of Being
Yes, you can learn to be confident! It's part skill, part inner renewal. We will transform your old way of feeling and self-talk and subsequently, your way of being-how you carry yourself in the world. From the perspective of someone who successfully transformed from shy, unable to look people in the eye or speak above a whisper to a professional singer, songwriter, performer and teacher who has spent more than 2 decades on a stage, you will learn powerful, effective, and SOULFUL strategies to transform yourself from the inside out.
21 day course with daily actions and inspiration, including video, written transcripts, music, and more!
3 personal strategy sessions with Gina
5 personal progress emails with Gina
Your Relationships
This is the most important area of your life, make no mistake. Are you 'nice'? Do you accomodate the needs of others to your own detriment? Learning how to communicate your needs effectively is a must, and it is a skill that can be learned. Don't worry-you can still be your loving and graceful self! (-look up your old website for more text ideas)

You are a creative Being. Your gifts are unique. You are meant to create, and to give your creations permission to live and flourish in this great and bountiful universe. Learn to stay in the flow and develop a profound and lasting relationship with your Muse.